Journeys of Reemus Chapter 4

Vēl viens lielisks stāsts par Remusu un viņa draugu Liamu. Tava misija ir izmeklēt pili un izglābt karaļvalsti. Izmanto peli, lai meklētu objektus un klikšķini uz tiem, lai izmantotu.

Journeys of Reemus Chapter 4 - 1 Journeys of Reemus Chapter 4 - 2 Journeys of Reemus Chapter 4 - 3

Birkas: AtjautībasExeFlashIesakamKvestiMonstriPoint and ClickPuzzlesSpēlesTaktikas

Līdzīgas spēles: Foreign Creature ep. 2Reincarnation The Final Happy HourBelial Chapter 1Journey of Reemus Chapter 3Scooby-doo 2 Escape from coolsonianGhostscapeThe Visitor questForeign CreatureNightmares of Leia RayThe Visitor ReturnsMorningstarHetherdaleThe Night BeforeBelial Chapter 2The several Journeys of Reemus chapter 2The Morning AfterThe several Journeys of Reemus chapter 1 - The Royal JourneyA Small FavorSynapsisDetective Grimoire